Tuesday, February 3, 2015

5 Tips for Hiring Entrepreneurial People

Excellent Article

5 Tips for Hiring Entrepreneurial People

Why perfect candidates walk away

This is written towards candidates but I looked at it from my perspective as a recruiter and it gave me some insight about the “Win/Win” that I talk to my candidates about.  On both sides there is a give and take in this transaction and we all have to be aware of what will “scare” and what will “sell” our clients or candidates.

Let’s face it, we have some positions that are very hard to fill right now and it is important for all of us to realize the markets, the need, the client and the candidate when we are developing business or searching for candidates. Being A+ means that we are advisors, consultants, sometimes coaches and always selling. What we all need to remember is there are two sides of the transaction called a placement.

 Sometimes I, as a recruiter are too much on a candidate’s side, kind of like this article, and I don’t care to see it from the client’s side. This is doing a disservice to both.  I have had some very long closes lately, fortunately some have been positive but some have not. I try to look at all of them and gain better understanding in the process, communication, and relationship I have with both my candidate and my BDM, who by the way, IS my client.